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Usually, its just a matter of playing to welcome guests as they arrive or mingle over drinks, in which case I play my standard reception set consisting of a range of more or less well-known Scottish tunes.  Sometimes I am asked to play a set eg for jig such as the Duke of Atholl's Reel or the Gay Gordons.  In the latter case my usual set is Mairi's Wedding, Brown-Haired Maiden, The Badge of Scotland and the Barren Rocks of Aden.

Disasters Hornpipe at IC. Strathspey at Surbiton (especially re Tempi).

Highland Games (incl Highland Dancing)

Callendar, Banchory

Pipe Band Competitions

Cowal, Rothesay, Bellahouston, Glasgow Green

Solo Competitions

Glasgow, Kensington, Southwark

Schools and teachers

  • RSPBA Summer School July 1987
  • NPC Summer Schools and Intensive Courses
  • Andrew Hall

Pipe Bands

  • 167 BB
  • Rutherglen
  • Pride of Murray
  • Scottish Power
  • Field Marshall (Glasgow practice)


[see weddings]


Ireland with Uncle Bill etc

LitfassSaule with Dagmar in Freiburg

Lisa and Janette